Jill’s New CD! I PRESS ON


Dearest Friends, Brothers and Sisters,

In the summer of 2023, after I had just released the Ephesians:One Hope project, the Lord began to give me new songs about perseverance and enduring faith. For several weeks, these new songs were given to me, and after many months, I came to the U.S. to record them in my beloved MorningStar Studio. I received much help and hospitality during this visit. My thanks to everyone who showed me such love, and who hosted me so generously. And by the grace of God, these songs of encouragement, faith and resolve are now released. We have made physical CD’s that you can purchase, and we will also offer all the usual digital distribution options, as well.

Listen to Clips Below:

Cloud Of Witnesses

Heaven Hears Us

I Press On

One Thing

Do Not Hide Your Face

My Mortal Frame

Establish Your Heart

Enduring Possession

Download All Lyrics!

Price: $15.00
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