I am awed to present “Deliverer,” this newest collections of songs that the Lord gave me in January, 2021.
Due to the present difficulties of international travel, I wrestled hard with planning my summer trip to the U.S. to record them at my awesome studio, “MorningStar Studios,” in Norristown, PA. But by His grace, I made it safely to the studio and have returned in peace, though the travel was more complicated than ever. No matter!
The messages in Deliverer reflect our longing for justice and truth at all levels of government, social networks, and media; there is a cry of bewilderment, groaning in the Spirit, and intercession for those who feel powerless, and for the enslaved, oppressed, and even the deceived.
The lyrics are biblical, as well as reflecting our own cries for deliverance, and our emotions, set to transparent vocals, with my signature piano foundation, and blending contemporary worship with elements from classical and folk.
The magnificent Cover Art, “Breath of Dawn,” by my precious friend and anointed, Spirit-led artist Nancy DeWind, depicts the Great Deliverer Himself. The 12 gems of the Priestly Breastplate are seen across the Lamb’s sacrificial submission, showing us that our Father will always look upon His covenant people with mercy and kindness. I pray this music will fill you with hope, strength and encouragement in these troubling times. You will know that He is fighting FOR us, and not against us, His faithful people, His beloved Bride.
Though the times be evil, He is always a Good Father, and a wonderful Deliverer!
****Sorry…this CD cannot be ordered from this website, due to losing my inventory in the floods in late July, 2022. However, you can download this album on i-tunes, Spotify, and all digital distribution sites. You can also download individual songs. The lyrics for this CD are on this page for download, so if you download the music from a digital site, you can get the lyrics right here, to go with the new music. My apologies for this inconvenience.
Listen to Clips Below:
Deliverer (clips 1 and 2)
The Measure of His Love (clips 1 and 2)
In the Furnace (clips 1 and 2)
How Long O Lord (clips 1 and 2)
Wings of the Wind (clips 1 and 2)
The God Who Saves (clips 1 and 2)
Song of the Vineyard (clips 1 and 2)
The Word of the Lord (clips 1 and 2)
Download Song Lyrics Here!
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