A Prophetic Calendar: The Feasts of Israel

by Jill Shannon
Published by Destiny Image Publishers, 2009
Endorsements by Sid Roth, Dr. Bill Hamon, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Robert Stearns
When you read this book, you will learn:
- Why is our modern church calendar so different from that of the first-century believers?
- Was the Lord thinking of His end-times Bride when He laid out the Feasts of Israel?
- Why is God inviting ALL people, both Jew and Gentile, to enjoy these celebrations?
- Which feast prophesies Jesus’ first coming?
- Which feast explains what must take place before the Lord can rapture His Bride?
- Which feast is a picture of the Millennial Reign of Messiah?
- Which feast prepares us for the rise of antichrist and tribulation?
- Which feast prepares the church to respond to increasing anti-Semitism?
- Which feast will announce the salvation of Israel, as Paul prophesies in Romans 11?
- What is truly in the Father’s heart concerning the Sabbath day? Is this about legalism or having a date day with Jesus?
- The five “foolish virgins” in Matt. 25 had no extra oil in their lamps…how can we ensure that we are not shut out of the Wedding Supper as they were?
In February, Destiny Image Publishers approached me to write a new book on the biblical feasts for believers who want to understand and even celebrate these “holy rehearsals” without coming under stress or legalism. Knowing that others had already written books on the feasts, I prayed about it for seven days. The Lord confirmed that this book would be unique and invitational to His Bride, and He totally inspired me as I worked on it.
Endorsed by Sid Roth, Dr. Bill Hamon, Sadhu Sundar Selvaraj and Robert Stearns, this book will be released on April 1st. It is a vast library of biblical and historical knowledge, as well as fresh prophetic revelation; it is warm and down-to-earth, and full of hidden treasures about the Lord Jesus (Yeshua).
The God of the Bible is a God of invitation and of covenant. We see in the Lord’s appointed festivals His heart’s yearning to meet and celebrate with His people. If you’ve been searching for one perfectly clear and comprehensive resource on the Feasts of the Lord, you will find all of your questions answered here! You will encounter the very heart of God in this uniquely loving and prophetic presentation of the Lord’s holidays.
To purchase multiple copies of books or cds at discounted prices contact us at jill@coffeetalkswithmessiah.com. These orders will be processed with check or money order payments.
Endorsements for A Prophetic Calendar
Book Details
ISBN 10: 0-7684-2827-0
ISBN 13: 978-0-7684-2827-8
Soft cover: 349 pages
Product Dimensions: 6 x 9 inches
Copyright © Destiny Image Publishers, Inc., 2009
Publisher: Destiny Image, Inc.
167 Walnut Bottom Road
PO Box 310
Shippensburg, PA 17257
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