Sounds of Heaven

by Jill Shannon
“Sounds of Heaven” is my newest worship project, and I had not intended to make another CD after “Song of the Lamb.” In November, I received an email from a prophetic intercessor in New Zealand, named Robert Misst…we did not know each other. In the fall of 2010, this humble prayer warrior was taken to the Throne Room of Heaven, where he experienced the worship, warfare and intercessions of the angelic beings, as well as the elders and the redeemed from every nation, tribe and tongue. The Lord commissioned him to write a book about the worship in heaven, so that we can pattern our worship on earth as it is done in heaven. When we worship the Lord as He is worshiped in heaven, many last days’ events on earth will be released, culminating with the return of the Lord Yeshua (Jesus) to the earth, where He will defeat the armies of the antichrist and establish His Kingdom (see Rev. 19 and Isa. 63).
Bob’s new book is called, “Worship, Warfare and Intercession Before the Throne of God,” and it will be out in a few months, with Xulon Press. When Bob first wrote to me, he asked if I would produce a new worship CD from the Book of Revelation, which would capture the sounds he heard in heaven, as a “companion piece” to his new book. Bob needed a practical “partner” to his book. He needed the readers to be able to hear these sounds, not just read about them. The Holy Spirit led him to find my music on the internet, although he had never heard of me. When he listened to Song of the Lamb, he recognized that I had captured some of the sounds he had heard in Heaven, and so he invited me to join in this astonishing new project. The Lord helped me more than I can explain, to quickly create and produce this special and unique project.
Click Here for a Free Download of the Lyrics of Sounds of Heaven
This CD contains six long “soaking” songs, which have many musical, lyrical and biblical ingredients blended and quilted together, to create a new sound. They draw us quickly and deeply into an intense worship experience, as we hear the songs of the Cherubim, the Elders, the Tribes of the Earth, and the millions of Angels. I could not be “millions of angels,” of course, but I tried to give the sense of many voices singing and crying out multiple blessings in the same space and time. “Sounds of Heaven” is full of spoken and sung Scriptures, intercessions, intimate cries and spoken whispers of love from the Bride, songs from key passages in Revelation, multiple choruses, with many voices singing intersecting lines, singing in the Spirit, and even some sound effects.
I was blessed to be able to bring in my daughters to sing on this project, as well as two incredible young men, who are both outstanding worship leaders, one from IHOP in Kansas City. These four “angels” added a marvelous new dimension to the singing in the Spirit which appears in most of the songs. The clips on the Music Page cannot fully capture the variety of songs, words, prayers and sounds which I mixed into each unique song. They only give one small section, but I hope you will get this CD and tell others about it. It will be a wonderful tool for prayer/worship meetings, and we have already felt the Lord’s response of Mercy, as He hears the worship of heaven, patterned in our own small way, rising up from the adoring Bride on earth.
The songs contain many diverse sections, all “quilted” together, to form a new kind of song architecture, which the Lord Himself taught me how to compose, as well as new types of harmonies which are like heavenly chaos that somehow “works.” There are many spoken Scriptural readings and passionate spoken prayers woven into each song, so it is like a complete “banquet.” You can read more about the new type of harmonic structure which the Lord surprised me with on the Music Page. The Kingdom themes He gave to me are these:
The Atonement provided by the blood of the Lamb
The Worship of the Holy God in His Throne Room
The Intimate yearning exchanged between the Bridegroom (the Lord Yeshua) and His bride (the corporate Body of the Lord, those who are wholeheartedly devoted to Him), as expressed in the Song of Solomon
The undying love in the Lord’s heart for the nation of Israel and the Jewish people; a song of Scriptures and intercessions for Israel
The perfect Union between the Bridegroom and His Bride. As she finally opens the garden of her heart to Him, the two become One, and she is bone of His bones and flesh of His flesh.
Listen to Samples
Adon – Clip 1
Adon – Clip 2
Kingdoms – Clip 1
Kingdoms – Clip 2
Open Scroll – Clip 1
Open Scroll – Clip 2
Salvation – Clip 1
Salvation – Clip 2
Song of Cherubim – Clip 1
Song of Cherubim – Clip 2
You are Worthy – Clip 1
You are Worthy – Clip 2
****Sorry…this CD cannot be ordered from this website, due to losing my inventory in the floods in late July, 2022. However, you can download this album on i-tunes, Spotify, and all digital distribution sites. You can also download individual songs. The lyrics for this CD are on this page for download, so if you download the music from a digital site, you can get the lyrics right here, to go with the new music. My apologies for this inconvenience.
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