
The LORD has done it again!
Near the end of last year, a close friend had a dream – to summarize briefly, the dream showed my friend and myself facing an eastern mountain on fire, among a surround of mountains on every side, which were also beginning to catch fire. And as we watched the fires, she heard me crying out in travail and singing a new song over Jerusalem.
When she shared this dream with me, I began to wonder if the Lord might want me to write songs about Jerusalem. Some of you know I never start a new project, whether book or CD, out of my own desire or initiative. I asked the Lord to make it clear if He desired this new music to come forth.
Over the next couple days, during a time of prayer, I received a flood of words coming up from my heart, and I began writing in my journal. When I finally stopped writing, I had written 6 pages of scriptural, revelatory, and intimate poetic phrases, all of which centered around the Lord’s covenant with Israel, as well as the history and destiny of Jerusalem.
I didn’t realize that these words in my journal would become the lyrics to this new collection of songs.
I worked on the composition and arrangement of these songs for several months, and have now, by the grace of the Lord, recorded this new project during March and part of April, 2018. The messages in these songs do not present a sentimental or sugar-coated view of Israel. The lyrics are wholly Scriptural and cover a vast array of history, prophecy, judgments, the atoning sacrifice, Bridegroom love, forgiveness, and Kingdom destinies – for Israel, for the nations, for the Bride of the Lamb, and for Jerusalem.
May these songs fill your hearts with the full counsel of Scripture, concerning the Lord’s heart for the people of Israel and the city of Jerusalem, for its covenantal foundations and its Millennial and Eternal destiny. In these songs, we see the tapestry of Israel’s biblical and modern history in the light of God’s faithfulness to preserve His covenant promises. We see her future restoration, and the coming throne and government of her rightful King, the Lord Yeshua the Messiah; this is Jerusalem’s eternal prophetic destiny.
The songs also speak of the Lord’s intimate love for His Bride in all the nations and of their inheritance in Jerusalem as well. No one who loves her is excluded! In fact, apart from this praying, priestly Bride, Israel cannot fulfill her destiny. And yet they also speak of the Lord’s longing for Jerusalem to love Him as a bride, as He expressed so often in the Scriptures.
Some of the lines in these songs feel so personal, like He is singing them over us as individuals; but then I realize they also apply just as strongly to His corporate Bride and for Israel, Jerusalem and the scattered Jewish people. My prayer is that these powerful lyrics and the worship music which carries them, will fan the flames of concern, love and intercession for the nation, people and destiny of Israel, as we face these intense last days before the return of our Lord Yeshua.
We know hard things will come, but in the end, it will work the Lord’s redemptive purposes in the earth, in the hearts of His bride in all the nations, and in Israel. LOVE WINS.
Loving blessings to all who love Jerusalem,
May, 2018
****Sorry…this CD cannot be ordered from this website, due to losing my inventory in the floods in late July, 2022. However, you can download this album on i-tunes, Spotify, and all digital distribution sites. You can also download individual songs.
Listen to clips of the new songs:
You Are Not Alone (clips 1 and 2)
Come Away With Me (clips 1 and 2)
Regathered (clips 1 and 2)
Bind Up Our Wounds (clips 1 and 2)
Voice Of The Bridegroom (clips 1 and 2)
From Strength To Strength (Ps. 84) (clips 1 and 2)
Lift Up Your Heads (clips 1 and 2)
Jerusalem (clips 1 and 2)
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