Coffee Talks with Messiah: When Intimacy Meets Revelation

by Jill Shannon
Published by Gazelle Press, 2007
This new electronic version contains all the new material shared in the “Special Note from Jill” section below.
Endorsements by Sid Roth, Dr. Bill Hamon and Choo Thomas
In this book, the reader will learn:
Why the Lord’s church does not want His glory to come
What kind of worship and prayers bring the Lord’s favor?
How we must prepare for increasing lawlessness, so that our love does not grow cold
What every Christian MUST do when entering a hotel room
How to ensure that we never hear the Lord say to us, “I never knew you.”
If I am already saved, why do I need to repent?
Is martyrdom only for other people in other countries?
SPECIAL NOTE FROM JILL (this note was written in July, 2015):
I do not want any dear reader to be confused when they read (or have already read) one particular section of this book, which was written in 2006, concerning the destiny of martyrdom that I shared.
In Chapter 6 of this, my first book, I share a difficult testimony of a prophetic word I received from the Lord in 2006, concerning my future martyrdom. This word was very real to me and I submitted it to others whom I respected, to help me discern and confirm it. I contended for this destiny for what ended up being 39 months, and fully embraced it. After 39 months, the Lord unexpectedly brought forth a prophetic word, accompanied by undeniable confirmation, which spoke of a new and different destiny. What seemed to be a “changed destiny” could better be described as “having passed a test of willingness.”
This new word came while I was part-way through writing my 3rd book, “The Seduction of Christianity.” I knew that the Lord wanted me to explain this seeming change of destiny to my readers, in the light of Scripture, so that His people would not be confused and could put this event into a biblical perspective. So I wrote this chapter into The Seduction of Christianity, in which my original destiny word, and then the new word could be likened to Abraham passing a test with the death of his son Isaac. But Abraham couldn’t know it was a test when it was taking place…the death of his son had to be an absolute certainty in his mind, for him to pass this test. Then Isaac was rescued, once the Lord knew that Abraham was willing to make this sacrifice.
On the link below, (“Chapter 4 of The Seduction of Christianity”) is the full chapter from “The Seduction of Christianity” which explains how the new word came forth and was supernaturally confirmed. There is also biblical teaching in this chapter about Scriptural prophecy, tests and changes. If you click on the link below, this entire chapter will download into your computer, and you can read it as a Word document in your “Downloads.” Whether you are planning to purchase Coffee Talks with Messiah, or if you have already read it, this chapter will help you.
Thank you for your love and patience. I am committed to being transparent with you about the difficulty of navigating the prophetic with faith, yet with integrity. May the Lord help me grow in my understanding of this and other hard-to-understand, “seeming contradictions” in the realm of the personal prophetic word. My love and blessings to all who read these words and may Coffee Talks continue to only bless His children.
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